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Converting .asmx to WCF

I'm developing a .NET 3.5 webservice using .asmx pages, but the fact that i cant use optional parameters in the GET and POST requests is making me think in switch my application to WCF. But I didnt understand clearly how it works.

Can you show me how the below code would be if converted to WCF?

[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class ws :WebService
    #region WebMethods

    //Parameters shoud be optional but it isnt possible in .asmx .NET 3.5
    public XmlNode GetResult(string param1(=null), string param2(= null))
        MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

        //Get a xml string
        string output = myClass.GetXmlString(param1, param2);

        //Load this xml
        XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

        //Return this xml
        return xmlDocument.DocumentElement;


WSDL无法描述可选参数,因此如果您使用ASMX或WCF合同无关紧要,使用可选参数的实际语义是多余的(它们仍被归类为必需参数 - 即所有参数)。

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