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Is there a difference between using a logical operator or a bitwise operator in an if block in Java?

The contents of both of the following if blocks should be executed:

if( booleanFunction() || otherBooleanFunction() ) {...}
if( booleanFunction() | otherBooleanFunction() ) {...}

So what's the difference between using | or using || ?

Note: I looked into this and found my own answer, which I included below. Please feel free to correct me or give your own view. There sure is room for improvement!

The two have different uses. Although in many cases (when dealing with booleans) it may appear that they have the same effect, it is important to note that the logical-OR is short circuit, meaning that if its first argument evaluates to true, then the second argument is left unevaluated. The bitwise operator evaluates both of its arguments regardless.

Similarly, the logical-AND is short-circuit, meaning that if its first argument evaluates to false, then the second is left unevaluated. Again, the bitwise-AND is not.

You can see this in action here:

int x = 0;
int y = 1;
System.out.println(x+y == 1 || y/x == 1);
System.out.println(x+y == 1 |  y/x == 1);

The first print statement works just fine and returns true since the first argument evaluates to true, and hence evaluation stops. The second print statement errors since it is not short circuit, and a division by zero is encountered.

The logical operator works on booleans, and the bitwise operator works on bits. In this case, the effect is going to be the same, but there are two differences:

  1. The bitwise operator is not meant for that, which makes it harder to read but most importantly
  2. The logical OR operator will evaluate the first condition. If it's true, it does not matter what the next condition results in, the result will be true, so the second clause is not executed

Here's some handy code to prove this:

public class OperatorTest {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Logical Operator:");
        if(sayAndReturn(true, "first") || sayAndReturn(true, "second")){

        System.out.println("Bitwise Operator:");
        if(sayAndReturn(true, "first") | sayAndReturn(true, "second")){

    public static boolean sayAndReturn(boolean ret, String msg){
        return ret;

for programmers, there is only one difference.

  1. your logical operators are logical ones,ie they test only one condition and get result based on that.

booleanFunction() || otherBooleanFunction() will be true if either is true. likewise, booleanFunction() && otherBooleanFunction() will be false if either is false. So, why test the other one. that's what logical operators do.

But bitwise ones check both. A frequent application of this concept is as follows.

if(someObject != null && someObject.somemethod())

So, in this case if you replace && by & then wait for a disaster. You will get nasty NullPointerException soon...

if( booleanFunction() || otherBooleanFunction() ) {...}

In this condition if booleanFunction() returns true then otherBooleanFunction() would not be executed.

if( booleanFunction() | otherBooleanFunction() ) {...}

But in bitwise operator both functions - booleanFunction() and otherBooleanFunction() would be executed no matter booleanFunction() returns true or false

Difference between bitwise ad logical operator- 1. Bitwise operator works on bit whereas logical operator works on statement. 2. Bitwise and is represented by & whereas logical and is represented by &&. 3. Bitwise or is represented by | whereas logical or is represented by ||.

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