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How do I add a new complex entry to a javascript array?

I have a JavaScript data structure like the following in my Node.js/Express web app:

var users = [
    { username: 'x', password: 'secret', email: 'x@x.com' }
  , { username: 'y', password: 'secret2', email: 'y@x.com' }

After receiving posted form values for a new user:


I'd like to add the new user to the data structure which should result in the following structure:

users = [
    { username: 'x', password: 'secret', email: 'x@x.com' }
  , { username: 'y', password: 'secret2', email: 'y@x.com' }
  , { username: 'z', password: 'secret3', email: 'z@x.com' }

How do I add a new record to my users array using the posted values?

You can use the push method to add elements to the end of an array.

var users = [
    { username: 'x', password: 'secret', email: 'x@x.com' }
  , { username: 'y', password: 'secret2', email: 'y@x.com' }

users.push( { username: 'z', password: 'secret3', email: 'z@x.com' } )

You could also just set users[users.length] = the_new_element but I don't think that looks as good.

You can add items to an array in many ways:

Push - adds to the end (think stack)

Unshift - adds to the beginning (think queue)

Splice - generic (push and unshift are wrappers around this)

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