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TFS Build Workflow InvokeProcess PsExec

I am trying to run a batch file automatically during a build from a TFS build workflow. I have added an InvokeProcess activity with the following:

    Arguments: "\\" + agent + " /accepteula -u username -p password -d C:\HelloWorld.bat"
    FileName: "PsExec.exe"
    OutputEncoding: System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage)
    WorkingDirectory: "C:\PSTools"

I have ensured that both the build agent and the build controller have access to the "agent" in question. I have also ensured the PsExec.exe is located in the "C:\\PSTools" folder as defined.

When executing the build I get the error "File not found: PsExec.exe" Does anyone have any idea what would cause this error in this situation?

您可以尝试使用FileName:“C:\\ PSTools \\ PsExec.exe”

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