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Multiple Models in one view

I am working on a site that has a Layout with multiple partial views on it. These Partial views have models with a database connected to them. I can display the partial views separately but not on the same layout. I used the code first approach so i have a entities model that has all of my models in it. The database was generated and connected. I have data in the tables and i am currently displaying these in the admin section for editing and deleting etc. I am not sure what i am doing wrong. Here is my layout partial call:


My controller is a list - currently in the auditScheduleController:

    public ActionResult _SubCategory()
        return View(_db.SubCategories.ToList());

In my partial view i have put a number of senarios and non seem to work. If i put @model IEnumerable<QQAudit.Models.Subcategory> I can display the page by itself and get a list of the Subcategories. It faults out if i open it up through the layout. Saying something about

"The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.AuditSchedule_5218AAD34020C54DC3FF0CFD6169988BB5FED2C296ABF80AC3EFFF93441CE91B', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'QQAForm.Models.SubCategory'.

I have looked on different forums and found some things but everything i have tried that is out there seems to fail in some fashion.

The funny thing is my background is Zend PHP and i can do what i am tring to accomplish there but cannot duplicate it in MVC3 C#.

August 01 2012

I am at the point were i want to add the ID of the page to the link I have already changed the global.asax to be:

            "AuditSecion", // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}/{section}", // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional, section = UrlParameter.Optional }, // Parameter defaults
            new[] { "QQAForm.Controllers" }

I want the link to populate the ID that the page is on. So the partial looks like this:

@{ Layout = null; }

@model IEnumerable<QQAForm.Models.SubCategory>

@foreach (var item in Model)

@Html.ActionLink(item.SubcategoryName, "audit", new { id = item.SubCategoryID }, null)


The subcategoryID should be the section and the ID should be the ID of the page which looks like this.


in theory the link of the submenu should be


thanks for the help!

The problem is the way you're invoking the partial view. Html.Partial requires a view name and a model; since you're not passing a model, it is crapping out. (It seems like you're expecting your code to invoke the action named _SubCategory , but it's actually trying to invoke the partial view named _SubCategory .) Try passing the model explicitly (if you have it available in your model):

@Html.Partial("_SubCategory", Model.EnumerableListOfSubCategories)

Alternatively, you can use the Html.Action method, which will render the result of an action in your current controller:


I think the second approach is what you are attempting to do.

Try putting

@{ Layout = null; }

At the top of your _subcategory view

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