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Can a derived generic type be returned from a static method on the base abstract class?

Abstract class:

abstract class PersistentList<T>

public static PersistentList<T> GetInstanceOfDerivedClass()

Derived class:

public class Managers : PersistentList<Manager> 

So, I'd like to:

Managers managers = Managers.GetInstanceOfDerivedClass();

Is that possible?

Choices are:

int clientID = 3;

Managers managers = Managers.For("Client", new { ClientID = clientID});

Managers managers = new Managers(new { ClientID = clientID });

Managers managers = new Managers();
managers.ClientID = clientID;
Database.Load(managers, "ForClient");

//this works, however requires the above code in the constructor.
Managers managers = new Managers(clientID);

//If the static method on the abstract class (Managers.For) could determine
//the type calling, it would eliminate the need for repetitive constructors.

All the above are available, just trying to decide on a good technique.

You can't do it with a static method. I'm not sure why you would want to, but you can do this

    public abstract class PersistentList<T>
        public PersistentList<T> GetInstanceOfDerivedClass()
            return (PersistentList<T>)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType());


Managers managers = (Managers)new Managers().GetInstanceOfDerivedClass();

I think this is about the simplest it'll be if you need strong typing (ie that the method will return Managers , not just PersistentList<Manager> when requesting a Managers ):

static class PersistentList
    public static T GetInstanceOfDerivedClass<T, U>() where T : PersistentList<U>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Managers managers = PersistentList.GetInstanceOfDerivedClass<Managers, Manager>();

You might also do:

abstract class PersistentList<T, U> where T : PersistentList<T, U>
    public static T GetInstanceOfDerivedClass()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
public class Managers : PersistentList<Managers, Manager>

This lets you use the signature in your example, Managers.GetInstanceOfDerivedClass() . I find this design pattern confusing, however, and would discourage its use.

This seems like an odd situation to be in but assuming you are somehow confined to such a pattern, this is the closest thing I could come up with (still not exactly what you are trying to do):

abstract class PersistentList<T>
    public static T2 GetInstanceOfDerivedClass<T2>() where T2 : PersistentList<T>
        return (T2)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T2));

class Manager { }

class Managers : PersistentList<Manager> { }


Managers managers = PersistentList<Manager>.GetInstanceOfDerivedClass<Managers>();

One could use a pattern like you describe, but in some cases it may be useful to have the factory method be a generic method within a non-generic static class, especially if the method will take any parameters which could be used for type inference. For example, if one had a method to create a new collection which would be initially populated from a T[] , it may in some cases be more convenient to use SuperCollection<T> SuperCollection.Create<T>(T InitialValues[]) than SuperCollection<T> SuperCollection<T>.Create(T InitialValues[]) , since the former could automatically infer the type of collection to create based upon the type of the array parameter.

Other than that, I think what you describe is a perfectly reasonable pattern in cases where the type of object which is created may depend upon various factors which might not be known at compile time.

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