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Issue while creating subfolder in Azure cloud

I am using the Azure Api provided by Microsoft for cloud storage...I am facing an unusual bug while creating the sub folder. ie when I create a subfolder within any container it is created easily within seconds. But when I try to create a subfolder again with different name it takes more time as compared to the previous one.

Again I try it is created easily. It means the sub folder no. 1 , 3 ,5 ,7 and so on are created easily and the even no. such as 2, 4 etc sub folders are created with delay. ie "Alternate sub folder creation is taking too much time"

Please let me know if there is any solution for this bug...

Are you creating these in blob storage? Folders, strictly speaking don't exist. They are simply a '/' character (or whatever delimiter you specify) are that imbedded in the file names. So you save a file using a path with out implicitly creating the path.

In the documentation, they even refer to these as "vitual folders" because they don't actual exist.

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