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Unable to call WCF Restful service from jQuery

Following is my code from jQuery script:

    $(document).ready(function () {
              cache: false,
              type: "GET",
              async: true,                  
              dataType: "json",
              url: "http://localhost:9002/SampleServices/Service/REST/Employees",                  
              processdata: false,                  
              error: ServiceFailed,
              success: function () { alert("succeeded");   }

      function ServiceFailed(result) {
          alert('Service call failed: ' + result.status + '' + result.statusText);
          Type = null;
          Url = null;
          Data = null;
          ContentType = null;
          DataType = null;
          ProcessData = null;

      function ServiceFailed(xhr) {
          if (xhr.responseText) {
              var err = xhr.responseText;
              if (err)
                  error({ Message: "Unknown server error." })

When I run the above code it always enters ServiceFailed(xhr) and alerts "error".

When I try to execute the above url ("http://localhost:9002/SampleServices/Service/REST/Employees") through the browser I get following JSON response: {"page":1,"records":1,"rows":[{"cell":["1","Haris","21-03-1979","HR"],"id":1}],"total":1}

Fiddler says following when I run the jQuery script:

#   Result  Protocol    Host    URL Body    Caching Content-Type    Process Comments    Custom  
1   200 HTTP    localhost:9002  /SampleServices/Service/REST/Employees?_=1340833203960  89      application/json; charset=utf-8 chrome:1448         

carlosfigueira nailed it.

This was a cross domain request hence i needed to add crossdomain support in App.config file for my WCF service

From the documentation , the error callback function accepts three parameters: jqXHR , textStatus , and errorThrown .

Your method only has one parameter. You should start by having your error method take three parameters and inspect what values they have.

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