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Chain of functions in Javascript

In javascript, we fire functions in quasi-parallel

document.getElementById("test").addEventListener('click', function1(), false);
//consider it takes 3 seconds to be completed
document.getElementById("test").addEventListener('click', function2(), false);

How we can fire function2() when the function1() has been completely executed?

In jQuery, we can chain a series of functions as (for example):


How to make this change of functions in pure javascript?

EDIT: In response to a negative comment and vote, I provide this example:

function delay(time, func){

delay(2000,function(){alert('Function 1');});
delay(1000,function(){alert('Function 2');});

In this example, you'll first see the alert for "Function 2".

If function1 is asynchronous you will have to modify it so that the caller could pass a callback that will be executed once it completes, the same way for example jQuery's ajax method provides callbacks such as success, error, ...:

window.onload = function() {
    function1(function() {
        // the callback is executed once function1 completes so
        // we can now invoke function 2

which by the way could be written in a little more concise way as:

window.onload = function() {

I amended the code a bit so it uses JSON and more JQuery-like...

function $c(func){
    var obj;
                return obj;
                var current=obj.queue.shift();
    }else if(func=='write'){
                return obj;
                var current=obj.queue.shift();
                var node=document.createTextNode(current.text);
    return obj;

$c('alert').alert(1000,"This is an alert...").alert(3000,"...sequence.");
$c('write').write(1500,"Writing with...").write(1000," delay.").write(1000," Yay!");

This creates a function $c that returns an object obj . obj depends on the passed argument so it contains different methods for use. Separated calls forms different queue so jobs can be done in both style, in sequence or parallel. Calls to the function returns obj also, so that function calls can be chained together.

If events are synchronous, there is the Continuum function to run functions in sequence:

function keyedSequence(key, fn) {
  fn = fn || this;

  return function() {
    for(var i=0, n, full=1; i<key.length; i++) {
      n = key[i];
      if(n.fn == fn) {
        if(!n.called) n.called = 1, n.args = key.slice.call(arguments);
        if(!full) break
      if(!n.called) full = 0

    if(full) for(i=0; i<key.length; i++)
      n = key[i], key[i] = {fn:n.fn}, n.fn.apply(n, n.args);
Function.prototype.seq = keyedSequence;

You provide an empty array as the key. Functions keyed with the same key will be grouped together.

window.onload = function() {
  var key = [];
  document.getElementById("test1").addEventListener('click', function1.seq(key), false);
  document.getElementById("test2").addEventListener('click', function2.seq(key), false);

Click test2 , then click test1 and order of execution is still function1 then function2 .

Another way of calling it is:

window.onload = function() {
  var key = [];
  document.getElementById("test1").addEventListener('click', keyedSequence(key, function1), false);
  document.getElementById("test2").addEventListener('click', keyedSequence(key, function2), false);

There is no way to tell when every event handler set up by a function has been fired without those event handlers being written in such a way to do so explicitly.

If function 1 says "Do something when X is clicked" or "Do something after 20 seconds" or "Do something when an HTTP response is received", and you want function 2 to run after whichever one of those has happened, then you need to set that up in the "something" level, not the "calling function 1" level.

    alert('Function 1');
    delay(1000,function(){alert('Function 2');});

You can use the self-determined function (or "deferred function determination") like this:

var selfDetermine = function() {
    alert("Hi, this is the first time we meet.");
    selfDetermine = function() {
        alert("Hello again!");

You can utilize jQuery.when() to defer the execution of one function until another has completed it's execution.

Something like this should work for you:

$.when(delay(2000,function(){alert('Function 1');})).done(delay(1000,function(){alert('Function 2');}));

jQuery documentation on when()

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