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Cannot create table SQLite Windows 8

I cannot create a table "IF NOT EXISTS" using SQLite Metro and Windows 8. If I copy the "db" to the application.local folder, I can add, edit delete records. It will created the db, but no table is created. I have checked my DDL with an external tool and it appears correct.
Below is my code :

private void InitData()

        Database db = new Database(Path.Combine(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "bppro.db"));

        Statement stm;
        stm = db.PrepareStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vitals (_id integer primary key autoincrement, creationdate text,weight text,pulse text,sys text,dia text");

        string temp = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();

        byte[] binaryData = new byte[100];
        stm = db.PrepareStatement("INSERT INTO vitals (creationdate,weight,pulse) VALUES (?,?,?)");
        stm.BindParamText(1, System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
        stm.BindParamInt(2, 35);
        stm.BindParamInt(3, 60);

        long insertedRowId = db.LastInsertRowId;

        stm = db.PrepareStatement("SELECT * from vitals");
        while (stm.GetNextRow())
            string createdate=stm.GetTextAt(1);
            string weight = stm.GetTextAt(2);
            string pulse = stm.GetTextAt(3);
            ListBox1.Items.Add(createdate.ToString()+"  "+weight.ToString()+"  "+pulse);

Thanks, any help or pointers appreciated.

Is this a Windows Store App? If so, you need to be using the WinRT version of SQLite as the File IO APIs have changed.

See my answer to a similar question here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14469080/68230

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