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Create subclass from superclass static main

I have a generic, abstract class ( SuperClass ). I want to have there a main method, that would be a default main for each subclass and would do the same, but with proper subclass object that derived and called it.

Like this:

 public abstract class SuperClass {

    // some code here...

    public static void main(String args[]) {
       // here instantiate the subclass
       // extending this SuperClass, and call
       // some methods

 public SubClass extends SuperClass {
      // here just implement some 
      // abstract methods from SupeClass
      // and NOT implement main()

And now I would like to be able to run the SubClass as standalone program, that executes the default main derived from the SuperClass . How to instantiate the proper SubClass object in the main method?

In C++, AFAIR, there is something like virtual modifier for a method, that I guess would be useful here. How to do in in Java?


You could use Spring IOC for example.

Create an xml file like the following and put in your classpath:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

    <bean id="someBean" class="com.company.SubClass"/>


Then in your main code you could do something like this:

   public static void main(String args[]) {
       ApplicationContext context = ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("appconfig.xml");
       SuperClass startClass = (SuperClass) context.getBean("someBean");

Then your SuperClass will not know about its subclasses (but will know about Spring instead...).

You will have to add some Spring jar files to your classpath as well.

您不能在子类中继承静态方法,但如果您想在c ++中创建类似虚拟的方法,请将您的方法设为抽象或受保护

If by I would like to be able to run the SubClass as standalone program you mean that you want to be able to run something like java my.app.SubClass , that doesn't work, because as everyone already pointed out, static methods are not inherited.

Depending on why you want this strange subclass nesting, you would find a workaround by implementing a non-static main like this:

public class SuperClass{ 
  public static void main(String[] args) {
     SuperClass c = //figure out which class to load via a factor or something
  protected void nonStaticMain(String[] args) {
    //do everything from your old main() here

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