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Get user details from Twitter

I'm creating a web application with php and JavaScript that will get a user's details from twitter. I have tried reading the documentation at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/users/show but could't understand anything. I found very little relevant documentation on the subject. I need to see a sample code for a tutorial. Anyone with Ideas?

Take my Twitter account, for example. My screen name is charliekilian . So if you go to this URL:


you will get back a JSON entity about my account. In other words, you issue the request via HTTP GET, and it will respond with a document that is structured as a JSON object that you can parse to figure out the data.

If you want data on a different user, replace the portion of the URL that is my username with the username you are looking for.

The way i would handle this is by using:

$username = ''; // Twitter Username
$page_data = file_get_contents("https://api.twitter.com/1/users/show.json?include_entities=true&screen_name=$username");

Then search $page_data for the specific details you want, using preg_match() to match regex patterns for the data you're looking for.

I also found this, which is along the same lines, but without regex.


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