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ajax form handling an array

am trying to handle an array comes from php file after submitting the form data , the value of data after submitting the form is = ARRAY but i cant use this array in any way , any idea how can i handle this array !!!!

Javascript :

       $('#preview').html('<img src="loader.gif" />');




echo json_encode(array('toshow'=>somedata,'data'=>somedata));

JSON String come from server

{"toshow":"\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t<table class=\"out\">\r\n\t\t\t<tr ><td class=\"img\"><a title=\"2012-06-02 01-22-09\" rel=\"prettyPhoto\" href=\"img\/2012-06-02 01-22-09.284.jpg\"><img  src=\"img\/thumb\/2012-06-02 01-22-09.284.jpg\"\/><\/a><\/td><\/tr>\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<table cellSpacing=\"1\" cellPadding=\"0\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td class=\"data\"><span class=\"click\">2012-06-02 01-22-09<\/span><\/td><\/tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td class=\"data\"><span class=\"click\">Download<\/span><\/td><\/tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td class=\"data\"><a href=\"img\/2012-06-02 01-22-09.284.jpg\"><span class=\"click\">View<\/span><\/a><\/td><\/tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<\/table>\r\n\t\t\t<\/td>\r\n\t\t\t<\/tr>\r\n\t\t<\/table>","span":"<span class='text'><img src='greencheck.png'\/>2012-06-02 01-22-09 Uploaded ,File Size =152Kb <\/span>"}

better to convert array to json format using json_encode($array) . json data can easily be handled by Javascript

You can't echo array directly, it will output Array only.

You need to use json_encode .

echo json_encode($your_array);

You can handle the array via PHP also with jQuery

for jQuery use - jQuery each

for PHP use - foreach or for loop

or try

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

In your PHP side you have to insert json_encode($array) AND in the JS side instead of using data['toshow'] use data.toshow .

Hope it helps!

Send out a JSON response, like this from PHP:

echo json_encode($yourarray);

Then to adapt your AJAX function, do this:

       $('#preview').html('<img src="loader.gif" />');
               var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
               //acess it like
               alert(jsonData.toshow); //alert for your testing


  • EDIT * Changes, update according the plug-in docs.

Having never used the .ajaxForm jQuery plug-in, I went after the documentation, I'm going to put the code here, as clear as possible from what I read, I'm even letting the plug-in parse the response automatically into json.

I didn't see any .ajaxForm().submit(), and there's no need to it according to the docs.

    $('#preview').html('<img src="loader.gif" />');
            dataType:  'json',
            success:   function(data){
                alert("json string response from php: "+ data.toshow);

dataType makes the plugin parse the response to json alone. and the success: function(data) happens if there was a response from PHP only. Implement it carefully, and give link if you still didn't get it right.

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