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Selector with image and textview at the same time


You have to use TabHost.TabSpec.setIndicator(View view) to define your own layout where you set your selectors. You can reuse tab_indicator.xml layout, can be found in platforms/android-xx/data/res/drawable .


mTabHost = (TabHost) findViewById(android.R.id.tabhost);

private View createTabView(CharSequence label, Drawable icon) {
    View tabIndicator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.tab_indicator, mTabHost.getTabWidget(), false);
    TextView tv = (TextView) tabIndicator.findViewById(R.id.title);
    ImageView iv = (ImageView) tabIndicator.findViewById(R.id.icon).
    return tabIndicator;

public void addTab(CharSequence label, Drawable icon) {
    View tabIndicator = createTabView(label, icon);
    TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec = mTabHost.newTabSpec(label.toString()).setIndicator(tabIndicator).setContent(...);

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