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Google maps styling query

I've played around with the FusionTablesLayer Wizard ( http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/fusiontables/fusiontableslayer_builder.html ) to create a map of wind turbines in North Devon.


But there are two problems.

The first is that the styling that I'd created within the Fusion Table layers has not carried through. Is there a switch to force the layer to take on this styling?

The second is that I don't want the shapefile layer to be clickable. How do I turn this off?

But there are two problems.

  • The first is that the styling that I'd created within the Fusion Table layers has not carried through. Is there a switch to force the layer to take on this styling?

Not sure what styling you are asking about. Is it styling defined in the FusionTable? By the FusionTables Wizard? It looks like you may be missing the application of the styles to the map this or the equivalent:

 map.setOptions({styles: styles});

You might want to review the documentation on styling the map

  • The second is that I don't want the shapefile layer to be clickable. How do I turn this off?

To disable clicks on that FusionTablesLayer, use the suppressInfoWindows option when you construct it.

your page with infowindows suppressed on the polygon layer and styling , note that your html is invalid (no body).

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