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Writing Date Value in a cell using Open xml

I need to write a date in cell using date type using Open XML. Can you please tell me how can I do this?

I got the answer and sharing with you all...

Just add cell as we do..

 Cell cell =new Cell(){ cellReference=A1 }; //Or other necessary details
 cell.cellValue = new CellValue(DateTime.Now.ToOADate().ToString()); 


Here I have used


which is By Default Style Index of date in Excel. So no need to add all the external styylesheets

Enjoy :)

So no need to add all the external stylesheets

I could not get it to work without the stylesheet.

I used This Blog post to get it working. Stylesheets need Font, Border, Fill, DifferentialFormat and TableStyle sections in addition to the CellStyleFormat and CellFormat sections needed to use a date.

private static Stylesheet CreateStylesheet()
        Stylesheet ss = new Stylesheet();

        Fonts fonts = new Fonts(new OpenXmlElement[]
            new Font
                FontName = new FontName { Val = "Calibri" },
                FontSize = new FontSize { Val = 11 }
        fonts.Count = (uint)fonts.ChildElements.Count;

        Fills fills = new Fills(new OpenXmlElement[]
            new Fill
                PatternFill = new PatternFill { PatternType = PatternValues.None }
        fills.Count = (uint)fills.ChildElements.Count;

        Borders borders = new Borders(new OpenXmlElement[]
            new Border
                LeftBorder = new LeftBorder(),
                RightBorder = new RightBorder(),
                TopBorder = new TopBorder(),
                BottomBorder = new BottomBorder(),
                DiagonalBorder = new DiagonalBorder(),
        borders.Count = (uint)borders.ChildElements.Count;

        CellStyleFormats csfs = new CellStyleFormats(new OpenXmlElement[] 
            new CellFormat
                NumberFormatId = 0,
                FontId = 0,
                FillId = 0,
                BorderId = 0,
        csfs.Count = (uint)csfs.ChildElements.Count;

        CellFormats cfs = new CellFormats(new OpenXmlElement[]
            new CellFormat
                NumberFormatId = 0,
                FontId = 0,
                FillId = 0,
                BorderId = 0,
                FormatId = 0,
            new CellFormat
                NumberFormatId = 14,
                FontId = 0,
                FillId = 0,
                BorderId = 0,
                FormatId = 0,
                ApplyNumberFormat = true

        cfs.Count = (uint)cfs.ChildElements.Count;


        DifferentialFormats dfs = new DifferentialFormats();
        dfs.Count = 0;

        TableStyles tss = new TableStyles();
        tss.Count = 0;
        tss.DefaultTableStyle = "TableStyleMedium9";
        tss.DefaultPivotStyle = "PivotStyleLight16";

        return ss;

Once the style sheet is in place you can then set StyleIndex.


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