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How to merge grid cell in GXT

I'd like to know if it's possible to merge cells in a GXT Grid like this:


I suppose I have to override a renderer, but cannot find which one.
Can someone show me the way using GXT 3.0 ?

Here is how I edit a cell in a grid in gxt 3. In this example I am just adding a div so I can add an id for selenium testing:

ColumnConfig<LessonOFY, String> name = new ColumnConfig<LessonOFY, String>(lessonProperties.name(), 250, i18n.lessonName());

AbstractCell<String> c2 = getTestingLabel(GAE_ID_CONSTANTS.IDS.LESSON_GRID.toString());


public static AbstractCell<String> getTestingLabel(final String label) {
    AbstractCell<String> c2 = new AbstractCell<String>() {

        @Override public void render(com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {

            value = "<div id=\"" + label + "\">" + value + "</div>";

    return c2;

value is just the value that would have been set in the grid orignally

Now that you raised the question, I really want to do the same thing. Let me know how it goes if you will. Please!

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