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How to use Friendly URLs?

I've been working on a little piece of php script that took me several days (I'm a noob)

Here's my code :

require ('connect.php');

$requete = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id="'.$_GET['id'].'"') or die(mysql_error());

    while($resultats = mysql_fetch_array($requete)){ 
?> <!-- some html content --> <?php


This script retrieves the content from my database, according to the ID.

http: //localhost/mysite/video/atest.php?id=1

I'd like to know which kind of url rewriting i'd have to use in order to retrieve some keywords. I'd like to have that kind of URL:

http: //localhost/mysite/video/1-first-video-title

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(css|png|jpe?g|gif|js|mp3|3gp|ico)$
RewriteRule atest/([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)-([0-9]+) atest.php?id=$1&url=$2[L,QSA]

Went something wrong?

I'd also like to use that, but I get nothing shown on the screen (this page cannot be found).

if($resultats["url"]!=$_GET["url"]) {
  header ("location:/mysite/video/".$resultats["url"]."-".$resultats["id"]);

It searches in my table where it finds the URL keywords.

Thank you!

I think your problem here may actually be very simple: the RewriteRule is capturing variables the wrong way round RewriteRule atest/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)-([0-9]+) atest.php?id=$1&url=$2[L,QSA] will match "atest/example-42" and map it to "atest.php?id=example&url=42" - $1 referring to the first set of brackets, and $2 to the second. Try a print_r() or var_export() of $_GET

Incidentally, that regex may go wrong in some edge cases, because it doesn't assert that the ID has to come at the very end - so "atest/example-2-word-42" could end up picking out the ID as 2, not 42. Adding a "$" should fix that: RewriteRule atest/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)-([0-9]+)$ atest.php?id=$1&url=$2 [L,QSA]

If the rewrite rule just isn't working at all (your question isn't clear what the result is) it could be some subtlety in Apache's .htaccess handling...

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