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Display errors in JUnit failure trace

I use Selenium Web Driver in Eclipse with JUnit. I need create simple checking if some text exists on the page - if it is, than I need generate error. I want this error to be displayed in JUnit failure trace. This is my code:

public class Check  {
public ErrorCollector errCollector = new ErrorCollector();

private WebElement titl;
private WebElement excep;

public void check_false(String t, String r) {
        try {
             String bodyText = titl.getText();
             Assert.assertFalse("Exception found", bodyText.contains(t)); }
         catch (AssertionError e) {
             System.err.println(r + ": " + e.getMessage());

If I get error, it is displayed in Eclipse consol, but test if shown as without error in JUnit and no exception message is displayed. How can I make checking properly?

I use

AssertJUnit.assertFalse("Exception found", bodyText.contains(t));

It's from http://testng.org/doc/index.html see http://testng.org/javadoc/org/testng/AssertJUnit.html

Within eclipse when my test fails, in the junit window I get the stackstrace. Have never tried collecting the errors. It would throw an


if the test fails but if you catch it, I don't know if the stacktrace will be in the JUnit window.

This might not be quite what you're after, in which case I apologise, but you can simply fail it and supply an optional message as to why.

public void checkText(String actual, String expected){
      fail("Expected : [ " expected + " ] , actual [" + actual + "]"
  }catch(SomeOtherException soe){

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