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Configuring eclipse to use jad

  • I downloaded the jar file and placed it into plugins dir
  • I downloaded the binary and placed it into some other dir
  • I bounced eclipse (Juno - Version: 4.2.0)
  • I updated the jadclipse to point to the correct folder在此处输入图像描述

When clicking on a method that exists in a jar whose source i don't have, decompilation does not happen.

Did i miss something?

Did you change the default editor for class files as stated in the JadClipse wiki?

The Eclipse Class File Viewer instead of the JadClipse Class File Viewer is opened.
Go to Window > Preferences... > General > Editors > File Associations and make sure that the JadClipse Class File Viewer has the default file association for *.class files.

For more recent releases of Eclipse, also make sure that ' .class without source' is set to use JadClipse Class File Viewer by default. Installing the plugin will only set the ' .class' only by default.

Go to Window > Preferences... > General > Editors > File Associations and select .class without source and remove Class File Viewer if it is already there by default and keep only JadClipse Class File Viewer.

In Kepler, Window-> Eclipse marketplace. Install Jad. Restart. Go to Window-> Install software, and paste http://feeling.sourceforge.net/update . Select both, and install. Should work now...

Integrated Java Decompiler (Jad) with Eclipse

1. Download Jad

Download the Jad executable file.

Official Jad website seem not working any more, try mirror download links instead. Jad Official website http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html Jad mirror download

http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Debuggers-Decompilers-Dissasemblers/JAD.shtml http://www.varaneckas.com/jad

2. Download Jad Eclipse plugin

Download the Jad Eclipse plugin named Jabclipse (net.sf.jadclipse_x.xxjar) http://sourceforge.net/projects/jadclipse/

3. Copy it to Eclipse plugin folder

Copy the downloaded Jad Eclipse plugin – Jabclipse(jadclipse_x.xxjar) to Eclipse plugin folder. For example,


PS No need to extract it, just copy the whole jar file.

4. Restart Eclipse

Restart Eclipse to make the plugin take effect.

5. Configure Jadclipse in Eclipse

In Eclipse, Click Window –> Preference –> Java –> Jadclipse, Key in Jad's path in “Path to Decompiler” field


6. Done

In Eclipse, try F3 into any class which does not has the source, Jad will decompile it automatically.

see examples:

/*jadclipse*/// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8f. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) radix(10) lradix(10)
// Source File Name:   JSObject.java

package netscape.javascript;

import java.applet.Applet;
import sun.plugin.javascript.JSContext;

// Referenced classes of package netscape.javascript:
//            JSException

public abstract class JSObject

Reference: https://mkyong.com/java/java-decompiler-plugin-for-eclipse/

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