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To Create a web solution Setup in Visual Studio 2010

I have created a web solution in visual studio 2010 ,i have also created a setup project in the same solution,I have linked the two solutions by adding project output as content files. imagine my solution name is example.sln and i have setup name as setup10

I need to build it thru command prompt. I found in the net that i need to check the build option in configuration manager of the solution i did that. I then used this command msbuild example.sln it started to create setp10.vdproj then it failed telling that setup10.vdproj doesn't exist.

I am not able to solve this problem from a day. kindly help me with this.

vdproj files are not supported directly by msbuild You'll have to build then by calling devenv.exe

You can add a build step to msbuild to build the vdproj with devenv. See http://thepursuitofalife.com/how-to-build-vdproj-files-in-msbuild/ for more details.

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