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How to use Talend to send a dynamic URL link

I'm trying to use Talend to get weather data by latitude and longitude. I'm retrieving all the applicable latitude and longitude values and then I need to loop through these and create URL's that contain the latitude and longitude. I was trying to use a tFileFetch to retrieve the response, but I can't see any way to pass in variables for latitude and longitude. Does anyone know if there is a different component I should use?


I'm not sure I understand your question, but I'll try.

In the URI field of the tFileFetch component you can add your output from the previous component for the lat long, for example:

"http://www.weather.com/weather/right-now?lat=" + lat + "&long=" + long

If I'm totally off, please provide more detail as to what you're looking for.

You could also use the tRest component to retrieve the response.

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