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Clojure to Java Interop

I am trying to get javafx2 working with Clojure - In implementing an abstract class such as DoubleBinding, I am unsure what the equivalent of super.bind(moo) is in Clojure. The class I am implementing can be found here: http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/index.html .

(def moo (ObservableDoubleValue. ...))
(def foo (proxy [DoubleBinding] []
            (computeValue []
               (Math/sqrt (.getValue moo)))))

final ObservableDoubleValue moo = ...;   
DoubleBinding foo = new DoubleBinding() {

     protected double computeValue() {
         return Math.sqrt(moo.getValue());

According to proxy documentation , methods in proxy has no access to super ... I would recommend you to generate class using gen-class and use it. You can access to super 's methods if you'll expose them with :exposes-methods directive. Something, like:

(gen-class :name MyDoubleBinding
           :extends DoubleBinding
           :exposes-methods {bind my-bind}

and then call -my-bind from your constructor...

Please, check documentation about class generation on Clojure's site for more details on gen-class

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