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Move files into their own directories

I have several hundred rar files. I would like to create a directory for each rar file then move the file into the newly created directory.

This is the code I am using to create the rar's

for f in *; do 
rar a -s -m5 "${f%.*}.rar" "$f";

This is the code I am using to move the files.

for i in *.rar; do
dir=$(echo "$i" | \
sed 's/\(.\)\([^ ]\+\) \([^ ]\+\) - \(.*\)\.pdf/\1\/\1\2 \3/')
mkdir -p -- "$dir" && mv -uv "$i" "$dir/$i"

The problem is that it creates the directory with the extension name.

ie: file irclog3_26_198.rar is moved into folder /DestinationDirectory/irclog3_26_1988.rar/irclog3_26_1988.rar

I would like the folder to be created ignoring the .rar and just use the name of the file.

How about:

mkdir -p -- "$dir" ...

Read more about it at the abs .

dir=$(echo ${i[@]::-4})

${name[@]:pos:len})获取字符串/数组的子字符串/子数组,对于字符串, [@]可以避免。

dir=$(echo ${i::-4})

You can use the normal bash shell parameter expension https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Parameter-Expansion.html


echo "${FILE%%.*}"

--> TEST

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