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Require fix for Tuckey URLRewrite filter rules

I am trying to understand tuckey urlRewrite to write a rule but am unable to do it.

I have a Servlet that has URL Pattern defined @WebServlet("/user/*") . At the load of Servlet I get URL like http://localhost:8080/Navigation/user/* .

How can I make a rule so whenever /user/ URL is loaded it should go to http://localhost:8080/Navigation/user/list . I tried this:


but this is not working.

You can use something like this:

<urlrewrite use-context="true">
        <to type="permanent-redirect">$1/user/list</to>

Where $1 represents anything that is before /user/ ie denoted by the first (.*) .

A read through this manual might also help.

Hope this helps.

试着像这样给<to type="redirect">

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