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Why does System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory return different results?

I store the path of my database (a folder with some xml files) in the app.config. At the startup I check, if the path exists. If it doesn't exist, I want to set the path to the default path. Code looks like this:

public void CheckAndRepairSettings()
        /* Check Paths */
        if(GetDatabasePath() == null)
             SetDatabasePath(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "DataBase");

GetDatabasePath() reads the path form the app.config and SetDatabasePath() writes the path to the app.config. These Methods are working fine.

My promblem is the System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory . If I run this in my applications debug mode I get: "F:\\Office\\Projekte_Software\\ServiceTool\\_Work\\ServiceSoftware\\ServiceSoftware\\bin\\Debug\\"

I additionally use NUnit for some unit tests. If I run NUnit in debug mode I get : "F:\\Office\\Projekte_Software\\ServiceTool\\_Work\\ServiceSoftware\\ServiceSoftware.UnitTests\\bin\\Debug"

There is no trailing Backslash "\\" in the path in NUnit debug mode, so I get a non existing path when I concatenate the path-string in my CheckAndRepairSettings() .

Why does this behave so different?

You should use Path.Combine to concatenate paths, it handles issues regarding existing/non-existing (among other things) path separators

Why one includes ending slash the other one doesn't is probably related to how nUnit creates the appdomain under which it runs its tests

A better option would be to use IsolatedStorage !

For Example you can write settings using this:

using(IsolatedStorageFile f=IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForDomain())

using(var s=new IsolatedStorageFileStream("Myapp.config",FileMode.Create,f))
using(var writer=new StreamWriter(s))
writer.WriteLine("My Settings");

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