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XML serialization of list

I am serializing an object to XML. I have something like this:

Class A
   public string propertyA1  { get; set; }
   public List<B> bList { get; set; }

Class B
   public string num {get; set;}
   public string propertyB1  { get; set; }

When I serialize it to XML, I want it to look like this:

  <B num=1>
  <B num=2>

But, instead it looks like this:

     <B num=1>
     <B num=2>

Any idea how to get rid of the bList in the output? I can provide more sample code if needed

Thanks, Scott

Add the attribute [XmlElement] to treat the collection as a flat list of elements:

Class A
   public string propertyA1  { get; set; }
   public List<B> bList { get; set; }

for more info click here

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