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How to assign value of variable to another method in javascript?

my code is as follow

 function myFunction(a,b,d)
         var R  = a;
         var G =  b ;
         var B =  d ;
         var L = "(";
         var C = ",";
         var Rp = ")";
         var E = L ;
         var ic = '"';
         var prefix = "RGB";
         var color = ic+prefix + L + R+ C + G + C + B + Rp+ic;
         var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
         var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
         ctx.fillStyle = color;

if i call the above function for example myFunction(10,20,30); alert(color); prints "rgb(10,20,30)" but i don't know how to assign the value of color to ctx.fillStyle Since i want to make dynamic application i need pass different value of color , right now the code doesn't work and ctx.fillStyle = color; is printed when code is executed. I will be thankful if some one can tell me how to assign the value of color to ctx.fillStyle method.

You are able to reference a variable for the desired color value as you're wanting to do, so long as the value being provided is a valid color value.

Based off of your provided code, it appears that you are using RGB instead of rgb .

First of all, "color" is a string variable here and to use it as a code segment use eval(); function. Secondly, set some visible area in the canvas to see if the code is really working ie ctx.fillRect(). Lastly, make sure your document type is declared as <!DOCTYPE html> which I hope is .

Here is the working version of the code (works for me in FF 11.0):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script >
function myFunction(a,b,d)
             var R  = a;
             var G =  b;
             var B =  d;
             var L = "(";
             var C = ",";
             var Rp = ")";
             var E = L ;
             var ic = '"';
             var prefix = "RGB";
             var color = ic+prefix + L + R+ C + G + C + B + Rp+ic;

    var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
    var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
    ctx.fillStyle=eval(color); //convert string to code.
    ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,75);//any size greater than 0
<button  onclick="myFunction(200,0,0);">click me</button>
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">

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