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Google Earth plugin — how to check if an element with an ID already exists?

I create and assign a style the following way (C# for example):

// ge — IGEPlugin instance
var placemark1 = ge.createPlacemark("placemark1");
var style1 = ge.createStyle("style1");
// ... add placemark to ge features...

How can I check if the element with the ID style1 already exists in GE ? If I call ge.createPlacemark("placemark1") , the second time I do it I get an COM error.

I can't get the element with ge.getElementById("style1") — it always returns null.

There are a couple of things, firstly there is an accessor getComputedStyle that will allow you to get an objects style properties as a KMLStyle object.

dynamic placemarkStyle = placemark1.getComputedStyle();
string id = placemarkStyle.getId();

Maybe you can use this method to reference the style object as you require...

You can also obtain an array of all elements of a certain type by passing the type name as a string to getElementsByType . Something like this should work (although it is untested...)

public bool DoesStyleExist(string id)
  var styles = ge.getElementsByType('style');
  int l = styles.getLength();

  if(l == 0) 
    // no styles
    return false;

  for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
    var style = style.item(i);
    var styleid = style.getId();
    if(id == styleid)
      // matching style id
      return true;

  // no match
  return false;


Based on your comment you must have an error somewhere in your code - I have tested the following and it works as expected.

  // create the placemark
  placemark = ge.createPlacemark('pm1');
  var point = ge.createPoint('');

  // add the placemark to the earth DOM

  var styleMap = ge.createStyleMap('');

  // Create normal style for style map
  var normalStyle = ge.createStyle('style1');
  var normalIcon = ge.createIcon('icon1');

  // Create highlight style for style map
  var highlightStyle = ge.createStyle('style2');
  var highlightIcon = ge.createIcon('icon2');


  // Apply stylemap to a placemark

  alert(ge.getElementById('pm1')); // object 
  alert(ge.getElementById('style1')); // object 
  alert(ge.getElementById('style2')); // object

  DoesStyleExist('style1'); // true
  DoesStyleExist('style2'); // true
  DoesStyleExist('foo'); // false

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