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Eliminating white space at bottom of page

Originally I had a background image that appeared as a gradient background. Wanting to have a solid black backgound I removed link to background image/repeat x. The result is a large white space at bottom of page. I have searched quite a few answers to this common problem but none have helped me figure this out.

This is an .php site so if there is an html .div then I cannot find it but in css stylesheet it just reads as #top-bg with background: #000000

I have tried adding in height: 100%; not sure where to adjust margins as recommended by some sites. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

body, html{
    margin:0 !important;

    background:#000;//is this what you want?

for start have you think to remove defaukt browser padding and margin?

    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

Also, where is define your background?

  • in your first div?
  • in your body?
  • in your HTML ?

for better, background was define in your body tag :

    background-color: #FCC; /* for test */

If you have no padding, no margin, this code working for you...

Try this

body, html {


html {

This was sufficient for me to remove white space.

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