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get form field value from collection loop

I am looping over a collection (form) and testing for 'attachedFile' in the form field name. On success, I want to add the form field value to an array. Currently, I am only getting the form field name and not the value.

<cfloop collection="#FORM#" item="field">
    <cfif FindNoCase('attachedFile',field) IS 1>
        <cfset fileNamesArray[fileNamesIndex] = field>
        <cfset fileNamesIndex = fileNamesIndex + 1>

I tried setting the array at index [whatever] to #form.field# but that results in an error (undefined). Any ideas how to get my value inside this loop? Thanks.

<cfloop collection="#Form#" item="field">
    <cfset currentFieldName  = field>
    <cfset currentFieldValue = Form[field]>


Or if you prefer the script style, and you're using CF9, use the for-in loop

    for (field in Form)
        currentFieldName  = field;
        currentFieldValue = Form[field];

In Coldfusion 10 or Railo 4, you can use the filter() function of the Underscore.cfc library in cfscript like so:

var fileNamesArray = _.filter(form, function (value, field) {
    return FindNoCase('attachedFile', field);

The filter() function returns an array of values that pass the truth test, which in this case is FindNoCase(...).

Using functional style programming results in a more elegant and expressive solution.

(Note: I wrote Underscore.cfc)

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