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jquery .val() and google closure compiler

I want to select the first option in a control so I write:

$("#MySelect").val($("#MySelect option:first").val());

Now go ahead and copy-paste the following into the google closure compiler :

// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @output_file_name default.js
// @compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
// @externs_url http://closure-compiler.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/contrib/externs/jquery-1.7.js
// ==/ClosureCompiler==

$("#MySelect").val($("#MySelect option:first").val());

You'll get this error:


I don't see why the compiler is complaining! What's the problem?

Thanks for your suggestions.

You could do this $("#MySelect").prop("selectedIndex", 0)​​​​ . It's simpler and passes closure compiler.

Many of the jQuery methods return different types based on the number and type of the input parameters. This behavior is akin to function overloading in a traditional language. However, JavaScript doesn't support traditional function overloading and jQuery mimics the behavior by inspecting the function arguments.

For .val , here's how the method would be annotated if function overloading was supported:

/** @return {number|string|Array.<string>} */
jQuery.prototype.val = function() {};

 * @param {number|string|Array.<string>|function(number, *)} newVal
 * @return {!jQuery}
jQuery.prototype.val = function(newVal) {};

Since there isn't function overloading, the actual signature for .val is a combination of both uses:

 * @param {(number|string|Array.<string>|function(number, *))=} newVal
 * @return {!jQuery|number|string|Array.<string>|function(number, *)}
jQuery.prototype.val = function(newVal) {};

Because of this, if you wish to use the return value of .val as the input for a separate call to .val , you must type cast the original return value to specify which usage you expect:

    /** @type {number|string|Array.<string>} */
    ($("#MySelect option:first").val()) //note the extra parens

This behavior is described in a comment at the top of the jQuery externs file: http://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/source/browse/trunk/contrib/externs/jquery-1.7.js#20

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