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Compile errors FreeImage on C#

I keep receiving several error messages (currently 35) when I try to compile FreeImageNET C# wrapper. All the messages are in the same format.

Actually I've found that this question has been asked before, and the answer was to change "typeparamref" to "paramref". However, the rest of the error messages includes "paramref" already, so I do not know what to change to correct these errors.

Any help would be appreciated.

Two of the error messages are as follows:

Error   1   Warning as Error: XML comment on 'FreeImageAPI.Palette.Palette(FreeImageAPI.Metadata.MetadataTag)' has a paramref tag for 'dib', but there is no parameter by that name D:\[kur]\[csharp]\image_tools\FreeImage\Wrapper\FreeImage.NET\cs\Library\Classes\Palette.cs 70  63  Library

Error   2   Warning as Error: XML comment on 'FreeImageAPI.Metadata.GifInformation.CreateGlobalPalette(int)' has a paramref tag for 'palette', but there is no parameter by that name   D:\[kur]\[csharp]\image_tools\FreeImage\Wrapper\FreeImage.NET\cs\Library\Classes\GifInformation.cs  76  23  Library

As the error says, there's an XML comment on a method that describes parameters which do not exist. Besides not treating warnings as errors, another solution would be to not have Visual Studio create the XML documentation (this can be found on the "Build" tab of the project's settings).

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