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Need to optimize the insert query in php mysql

I am using following code to insert multiple records into a table. As you can see the query is in a loop. Every time the loop executes, seperate sql query is run to insert it.

I want a approach where instead of running multiple queries, only single INSERT sql query should run with multiple insert statements.

Though this code of mine is functioning perfectly but I need to optimize it.

$managed_ailments = unserialize($ailments);
foreach($managed_ailments as $ailment_id)
    $sql .= "(patient_id, ailment_id, datecreated) VALUES";
    $sql .= "($patient_id, $ailment_id, now())";
    $query = $mysql->query($sql);

Here $managed_ailments is a serialized array which i have unserialized. There can be one or more than one values in the array. $mysql->query($sql) is my custom function.

Please help me to convert this code into a single sql query which does it all.

Thanks in advance.

Something like this should work:

$managed_ailments = unserialize($ailments);
$sql .= "(patient_id, ailment_id, datecreated) VALUES (";

$query_parts = array();

foreach($managed_ailments as $ailment_id) {
    $query_parts[] = "($patient_id, $ailment_id, now()";
$sql .= implode(",", $query_parts);
$sql .= ")";

$query = $mysql->query($sql);

you can add a value statement for each recordthen exectute the query, ie:

INSERT INTO example 
    (example_id, name, value, other_value)
    (100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1'),
    (101, 'Name 2', 'Value 2', 'Other 2'),
    (102, 'Name 3', 'Value 3', 'Other 3'),
    (103, 'Name 4', 'Value 4', 'Other 4');

You can use MySQLi extension which has prepared statement. You will send the template once to the server then withen a loop you just send data.

//initialize and connect $mysqli via MySQLi extension 

$sql .= "(patient_id, ailment_id, datecreated) VALUES";
$sql .= "(?, ?, now())";

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query)

$managed_ailments = unserialize($ailments);
foreach($managed_ailments as $ailment_id) {
    $stmt->bind_param("ii", $patient_id, $ailment_id);

Note that I'm assuming both $patient_id, $ailment_id are integers. And also assuming you don't want to keep the results of executed queries, because you are overwriting the $query

This will reduce the overhead of NOW() function and save some bandwidth.

Here is a link to PHP MySQLi Documentation

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