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Divide NSInteger with int

I am trying to divide NSInteger with some number, but I am receiving errors.

This is what I am trying to do:

length = [corner count];
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
    if ([resultDate rangeOfString:[corner objectAtIndex:i]].location != NSNotFound) {

cornerResultLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", cornerResult];

This works as it should.. I search through the array and count the results and write it.

But, I need cornerResult divided with 4. When I add cornerResult / 4 it shows me the error(as I wrote in comment). I have no idea why is this making problem.

you probably meant to divide the intValue of the NSNumber , not the NSNumber* itself:

int num = number.intValue;
int result = num / 4;

(full code sample and error message would help)


I fix it this way. First I defined int and after that I set NSInteger value to int and after that divide.

int helper = cornerResult;
helper = helper / 4;

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