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How to update records in a ref map in Clojure?

Given the following scenario:

(defrecord Person [firstname lastname])
(def some-map (ref {}))

  (alter some-map conj {1 (Person. "john" "doe")})
  (alter some-map conj {2 (Person. "jane" "jameson")}))

To change the firstname of "joe" to "nick", I do the following:

  (alter some-map (fn [m]                   
                  (assoc m 1 
                       (assoc (m 1) :firstname "nick")))))

What is the idiomatic way of doing this in Clojure?


(dosync (alter some-map assoc-in [1 :firstname] "nick"))

Edit: For your example assoc-in is better, since you ignore the previous value. Keeping this answer for cases where you actually need the previous value:

The update-in is there to update nested structures:

(alter some-map update-in [1 :firstname] (constantly "nick"))

The last argument is a function on the value to be "replaced" (like assoc , it does not replace but returns a new structure.) In this case the old value is ignored, hence the constantly function that always returns "nick".

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