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How do I really use the `ix` method of a pandas DataFrame?

Note: since I asked this question, .ix still exists but more or less has been replaced by .loc for label-based indexing and .iloc for positional indexing.

Having read the docs one the ix method of DataFrames , I'm a bit confused by the following behavior with my MultiIndexed DataFrame (specifying select columns of the index).

In [57]: metals
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 24245 entries, (u'BI', u'Arsenic, Dissolved', -2083768576.0, 1.0) 
                        to (u'WC', u'Zinc, Total',         1661183104.0, 114.0)
Data columns:
Inflow_val      20648  non-null values
Outflow_val     20590  non-null values
Inflow_qual     20648  non-null values
Outflow_qual    20590  non-null values
dtypes: float64(2), object(2)

In [58]: metals.ix['BI'].shape  # first column in the index, ok
Out[58]: (3368, 4)

In [59]: metals.ix['BI', :, :, :].shape  # first + other columns, ok
Out[59]: (3368, 4)

In [60]: metals.ix['BI', 'Arsenic, Dissolved'].shape # first two cols
Out[60]: (225, 4)

In [61]: metals.ix['BI', 'Arsenic, Dissolved', :, :].shape # first two + all others
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-62-1fb577ec32fa> in <module>()
----> 1 metals.ix['BI', 'Arsenic, Dissolved', :, :].shape                              
# traceback spaghetti snipped
KeyError: 'no item named Arsenic, Dissolved'

In [62]: metals.ix['BI', 'Arsenic, Dissolved', :, 1.0].shape # also fails

It took me a long time to realize that what I had been trying to achieve with In [61] was possible with In [60] . Why does the ix method behave like this? What I'm really trying to get at is the scenario at In [62] .

My guess is that I need to redefine the index hierarchy, but I'm curious if there's an easier way.


If you want to select rows/columns based on MultiIndex level values i suggest using the '.xs()' method. See also Selecting rows from a Pandas dataframe with a compound (hierarchical) index

For this example, you could use:

#short hand:
metals.xs('BI', level=0).xs('Arsenic, Dissolved', level=0).xs(1, level=1)

# more verbose
metals.xs('BI', level='bmp_category').xs('Arsenic, Dissolved', level='parameter').xs(1, level='storm')

# two chained `ix` calls:
metals.ix['BI', 'Arsenic, Dissolved'].ix[:, 1]

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