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picklist PrimeFaces - How to get data from target-list?

I've created a picklist via PrimeFaces. Now i want to handle the selected items which are listed in the target list when i click the commandButton.

I want to pass the data through the controller and store them in my database. But everytime i call the function duallist.getTarget() it's empty.

I've crated a foreach-Loop where i want to select all items in the target list:

Controller (Bean):

private List<DTOAktivitaet> source = new ArrayList<DTOAktivitaet>();
private List<DTOAktivitaet> target = new ArrayList<DTOAktivitaet>();

private List<DTOAktivitaet> zwischen = new ArrayList<DTOAktivitaet>();

public void speicherAktiZug() {

    DTOAktivitaet aktivitaet_vorgaenger = null;

    for (DTOAktivitaet item : controller.getAktivitaeten()) {
        if (item.toString().equals(selected)) {
            aktivitaet_vorgaenger = item;

    for (DTOAktivitaet aktivitaet : zwischen) {
        try {
            dao.aktiZugAkt(aktivitaet_vorgaenger, aktivitaet);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

public AktiListController() {
    for (DTOAktivitaet ak : controller.getAktivitaeten()) {
    aktis = new DualListModel<DTOAktivitaet>(source, target);
    zwischen = aktis.getTarget();


        <h:form id="form" name="formular">
                <h:outputText id="aktivitaet"
                                value="#{aktiListController.selected}" />

                <p:pickList id="pickList" value="#{aktiListController.aktis}"
                    var="aktivitaet" itemValue="#{aktivitaet}"
                    itemLabel="#{aktivitaet}" converter="aktivitaetsConverter"
                    showSourceControls="true" showTargetControls="true" />
                    value="Aktivität-Abhängigkeit anlegen" class="commandButton">


public class AktiListConverter implements Converter {

private InitialisierungController controller = InitialisierungController
DTOAktivitaet aktivitaet = new DTOAktivitaet();
String name = "";

public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, String arg2) {

    for (DTOAktivitaet item : controller.getAktivitaeten()) {
        if (item.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(arg2)) {
            this.aktivitaet = item;
            return aktivitaet;


    return null;


public String getAsString(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, Object arg2) {

    this.aktivitaet = (DTOAktivitaet) arg2;

    return this.name = aktivitaet.getTeambezeichnung();


My Problem: The target-List is empty before i want to store the items in my database.

I don't fully understand your code as it is not written in English but as far as I can see your Converter is written badly. As far as I can see you do a toString() and a fromString() basically. This is quite error prone and the way you did it, heavy in performance. It is a better idea to use unique ID's (business or database).


@FacesConverter(value = "aktiListConverter")
public class AktiListConverter implements Converter
    private InitialisierungController controller = InitialisierungController.getInstance();

    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, String arg2)
        //Get object by it's unique ID
        return controller.getById(Long.parseLong(arg2));

    public String getAsString(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, Object arg2)
        //Return object's unique ID
        return ((DTOAktivitaet) arg2).getId();

In stead of using the object as itemLabel (which performs a toString() ) use something that generates a nice label like getName() for a person.


The speicherAktiZug() method doesn't really make sense to me so I came this far:

public class AktiListController
    private List<DTOAktivitaet> source;
    private List<DTOAktivitaet> target = new ArrayList<DTOAktivitaet>();
    private DualListModel<DTOAktivitaet> aktis;

    public AktiListController()
        source = controller.getAktivitaeten();
        aktis = new DualListModel<DTOAktivitaet>(source, target);

    //Getters and setters

    public void speicherAktiZug()
        target = aktis.getTarget();

        //target should contain the picked items here.

I see you are also using aktiListController.selected but I cannot see what it's used for.

Names of Conterter between (XHTML) and (Class Converter) is not equal.


public class AktiListConverter implements Converter {...}

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