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Tracking Upload Progress of File to S3 Using Ruby aws-sdk

Firstly, I am aware that there are quite a few questions that are similar to this one in SO. I have read most, if not all of them, over the past week. But I still can't make this work for me.

I am developing a Ruby on Rails app that allows users to upload mp3 files to Amazon S3. The upload itself works perfectly, but a progress bar would greatly improve user experience on the website.

I am using the aws-sdk gem which is the official one from Amazon. I have looked everywhere in its documentation for callbacks during the upload process, but I couldn't find anything.

The files are uploaded one at a time directly to S3 so it doesn't need to load it into memory. No multiple file upload necessary either.

I figured that I may need to use JQuery to make this work and I am fine with that. I found this that looked very promising: https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload And I even tried following the example here: https://github.com/ncri/s3_uploader_example

But I just could not make it work for me.

The documentation for aws-sdk also BRIEFLY describes streaming uploads with a block:

  obj.write do |buffer, bytes|
     # writing fewer than the requested number of bytes to the buffer
     # will cause write to stop yielding to the block

But this is barely helpful. How does one "write to the buffer"? I tried a few intuitive options that would always result in timeouts. And how would I even update the browser based on the buffering?

Is there a better or simpler solution to this?

Thank you in advance. I would appreciate any help on this subject.

The "buffer" object yielded when passing a block to #write is an instance of StringIO. You can write to the buffer using #write or #<<. Here is an example that uses the block form to upload a file.

file = File.open('/path/to/file', 'r')

obj = s3.buckets['my-bucket'].objects['object-key']
obj.write(:content_length => file.size) do |buffer, bytes|
  # you could do some interesting things here to track progress


After read the source code of the AWS gem , I've adapted (or mostly copy) the multipart upload method to yield the current progress based on how many chunks have been uploaded

s3 = AWS::S3.new.buckets['your_bucket']

file = File.open(filepath, 'r', encoding: 'BINARY')
file_to_upload = "#{s3_dir}/#{filename}"
upload_progress = 0

opts = {
  content_type: mime_type,
  cache_control: 'max-age=31536000',
  estimated_content_length: file.size,

part_size = self.compute_part_size(opts)

parts_number = (file.size.to_f / part_size).ceil.to_i
obj          = s3.objects[file_to_upload]

    obj.multipart_upload(opts) do |upload|
      until file.eof? do
        break if (abort_upload = upload.aborted?)

        upload_progress += 1.0/parts_number

        # Yields the Float progress and the String filepath from the
        # current file that's being uploaded
        yield(upload_progress, upload) if block_given?

The compute_part_size method is defined here and I've modified it to this:

def compute_part_size options

  max_parts = 10000
  min_size  = 5242880 #5 MB
  estimated_size = options[:estimated_content_length]

  [(estimated_size.to_f / max_parts).ceil, min_size].max.to_i


This code was tested on Ruby 2.0.0p0

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