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Javascript Regex Replace HTML Tags

Having a lot of difficulties using regex.

Heres what i am trying to do...

text<div> text </div><div> text </div><div> text </div>

to turn it in to

text<br> text<br>text<br>text

I've tryed doing...

newhtml = newhtml.replace(/\<div>/g,'<br>');
newhtml = newhtml.replace(/\</div>/g,' ');

but this gives the wrong output. Does jquery provide a better way of doing this?

That's because you're escaping the wrong thing, as only the backslash needs to be escaped.

newhtml = newhtml.replace(/<div>/g,'<br>');
newhtml = newhtml.replace(/<\/div>/g,' ');

Yes you are correct, jQuery does provide a better way of doing this.

An interesting read first.

Easy, elegant, solution to your specific problem.

  return "<br>"+$(this).html();


This must do the job:


Though this will only work if there were no tags with some attributes like <div id="foo1"> You do not need to escape < as you did in your example, but instead you do need to escape /

Don't use regexes if you don't need them; just replace string literals.


Note: This solution applies exactly to this scenario, I don't normally have anything against using regular expresions.

A simple way to do this is the following:

$('.container').html(function(i, html) {
    return html.replace(/<(|\/)div>/g, function(match) {
        return match == '<div>' ? '<br>' : '';

/<(|\\/)div>/ : Matches <div> or </div> .


Note : .container is where your html is placed.


newhtml = $(newhtml ).text().split(' ').join('<br/>');

You can achieve this using a simple RegExp

output = inputText.replace(/<\\w{0,}\\W{0,}>|<\\W{0,}\\w{1,}>/ig, "With whatever you want it to be replaced with")

Or you can do this

String.prototype.replaceTags = function( replacementText )
    var x = new RegExp( "(" + replacementText + ")+" , "ig");
    return this
           .replace( /<\w{0,}\W{0,}>|<\W{0,}\w{1,}>/ig, replacementText )
           .replace( x, replacementText )  

And then call it directly on the String as follows

"text<div> text </div><div> text </div><div> text </div>".replaceTags( "<br>" )

You'll get this -- "text<br> text <br> text <br> text <br>"

This will search for portions in the string which begin with the "<" contains some text in between "div/p/br" additionally if the tag is being ended by "/" and finally the ">" closing of the tag. The ignore case will help when you are not sure that the element is written in Upper or Lower case.

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