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custom pom.xml filename in maven multimodule

I have a maven3 multimodule project, and for a strange reason i need to customize POM filename for one of my child module (ie: module-pom.xml)

Is it possible to configure this in the parent pom ?

The strange reason is a bit long to explain sorry, but you will have the plain context.


  • I'm working on a closed source project that also use LGPLed projects. this project is called main

  • I want main to declare modules of every projects, closed and opened. The full build should be made with a unique mvn clean package command.

  • Inside the main reactor project, i have lgpl-reactor multimodule project containing 3 LGPL modules (API, Plugins and Distribution project). Some developper will have access to lgpl-reactor only, so i also want this project to build from its folder with mvn clean package command, like a fully standalone project.

  • I also have main-dist project that is a maven-assembly-plugin only project (to build the distribution).

The problem

  • If I add parent reference to lgpl-reactor pom.xml, the global main build works perfectly, and assembly created by main-dist is valid, but the standalone build of lgpl-reactor fails (main pom.xml not found).

  • If I remove parent reference from lgpl-reactor pom.xml, the standalone lgpl-reactor build works, but assembly created by main-dist is NOT valid (missing.

How to solve this ?

  • use another POM file module-pom.xml for lgpl-reactor module declaration inside main modules declaration list. When perfoming the full build from main project, module-pom.xml contains reference to parent POM and is working properly.

  • use the default POM file pom.xml for standalon build of lgpl-reactor . This POM can hardly reference the parent pom with the relativePath property of <parent> tag

But HOW can i do that ? if possible ? Or is there any better solution ?

Directory of the Main Reactor Project

lgpl-lib [LGPL Library]
lgpl-ext [LGPL Reactor Project]
closed-core [Closed source module]
closed-spring [Closed source module]
closed-web [Closed source module]
closed-webserver [Closed source module]
main-dist [Main assembly module]
pom.xml [Main Reactor POM]

Directory of the LGPL Reactor Project

lgpl-api [LGPL API module]
lgpl-plugins [LGPL Plugins module]
lgpl-ext-dist [LGPL assembly module]
main-pom.xml [Main Reactor POM, copy of main pom.xml]
pom.xml [Standalone LGPL Reactor POM]
module-pom.xml [Module LGPL Reactor POM]

Main Reactor POM (pom.xml & lgpl-reactor/main-pom.xml)



<name>LGPL Reactor</name>


pom.xml of main-dist



    <description>Main Distribution</description>



assembly.xml of main-dist

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.2 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly-1.1.2.xsd">















You can override default pom.xml. Maven have -f command option.

mvn -f <path>/pom.xml clean install

I would suggest to change the folder structure into the following.

root (pom.xml)
  +-- closed-core
  +-- closed-web
  +-- closed-webserver
  +-- closed-spring
  +-- lgpl-reactor
         +-- lgpl-lib
         +-- lgpl-dist
         +-- lgpl-etc..

Than you don't need a separte module-pom.xml file. You can work with pom.xml as default.

If you wan't to build lgpl-reactory you can simply give:

mvn -pl lgpl-reactory clean package 

if you have dependencies within the other modules to lgpl you can use:

mvn -am -pl lgpl-reactory clean package 

This will build also all dependent modules.

一个解决方案是应用逆逻辑,并使用“mvn -f standalone-pom.xml clean package”来构建lgpl-reactor作为独立项目...但是如果使用标准maven2构建独立项目会更好命令行。

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