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Netbeans 7.2 not starting

I recently installed Netbeans 7.2 beta and it worked fine. Then I installed Netbeans 7.2 final release on top of beta and during the installation, Netbeans 7.1 and Netbeans 7.12 were there. Now when I launch Netbeans, it does not go beyond "loading modules" stage. Simply the Netbeans screen disappear few seconds after the launch. Then I did the following.

  • Uninstalled all the Netbeans versions and re-installed Netbeans 7.2
  • Deleted AppData/Netbeans folder
  • Deleted User/.nbi folder
  • Searched the registry and deleted Netbeans related entries. (But only one entry was found)
  • Deleted Netbeans Folder in Program Files folder.
  • Uninstalled and Re-installed in a separate drive.
  • Uninstalled and Re-installed under another user account.

None of the above worked, the only thing I did not try was to re-install the Windows XP operating system.

It there any option to try before re-installing the operating system?

我遇到了同样的问题……使用 netbeans 7.2,转到 user/appdata/roaming/7.2/modules/ 并删除除 docs、ext、locale 文件夹之外的所有 jar 文件……然后再次启动 ide……基本上,当您在更新后更新 ide 时,当您启动 ide 时,它​​会卡在加载模块阶段时出现问题。

First of all, you need to check proper version of JDK is installed. Netbeans 7.2 requires JDK 1.7, not 1.8.
You can check {Netbeans Install Path}/etc/netbeans.conf. There find netbeans_jdkhome and its value. Make sure you install JDK1.7 and this line netbeans_jdkhome="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_25" for example.
If not, change the value to proper installation path.

That's some stability issue with NetBeans 7.2

Just Kill and Restart the IDE and it should be fine.

我遇到了同样的问题,请确保在安装过程中配置了所需的 JDK 版本。

First tried everything to no avail, finally I had to uninstall NetBeans 7, then install NetBeans 8, which also aligned with my JDK 8. This resolved the issue for me. Hope this helps others.

如果您不确定可以从C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans {netbeans version}\\etc更改它,请确保在安装向导中选择了正确的 JDK 目录,您将看到一个文件netbeans.conf编辑它(我正在使用 Notepad++为此)在文件​​的底部,您将看到一行netbeans_jdkhome="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\{jdk directory you want}"确保它是有效的 JDK 并且它是 JDK,而不是 JRE

Ah, finally this worked with me on version 11.3, delete this folder, then run the program again


here my main username is Dell, yours can be different ofcourse

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