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Log into different files with the same logger with Log4j

I have a Class "Example.class". I get my Logger with:

    private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Example.class);

My log4j.properties looks like:



    log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n

My Class is logging via log.info(..), log.debug(..) and so on into the file .

Now i want to have a different logger for the same class eg:

    private final Logger differentLogger = Logger.getLogger(Example.class);

and this logger should log into a different file for example

    differentLogger.info("Hello World");
    //writes 'Hello World' into differentLogFile.txt

Is this possible somehow?

No, the category identifies the logger.

That said, you are not forced to use the class as the category. You could use in the same class:

private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Example.class);

private final Logger differentLogger = Logger.getLogger(mylogs.different);

After that, in the configuration file you can define several appenders and assign each category to a different appender.

Calling Logger.getLogger(Example.class) twice will return the same or undistinguishable instances of Logger . This means Log4J cannot make any distinction between them and they will always land up in the same file.

The solution is obvious: use a different logger!

Logger differentLogger = Logger.getLogger("differentLogger");

And configure log4j.xml to use different appender for differentLogger .

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