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Can't get the Captcha to appear

I have already installed django-recaptcha and included the captcha in installed apps. I am using the private key and public key from this page: https://github.com/praekelt/django-recaptcha .

I included the statement captcha = ReCaptchaField() . When I clicked the page, it appears like this:

Captcha: Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid

Not sure where the error is. Need some guidance.

The html looks like this:


This is what i typed:

RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '98dfg6df7g56df6gdfgdfg65JHJH656565GFGFGs'
RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '76wtgdfsjhsydt7r5FFGFhgsdfytd656sad75fgh'

According to the following thread , switching the private key and public key around fixes this error. That is, use

RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '98dfg6df7g56df6gdfgdfg65JHJH656565GFGFGs'
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '76wtgdfsjhsydt7r5FFGFhgsdfytd656sad75fgh'

instead of the other way around as given in the documentation .


Enter your website URL without "http://". without "www" without "/" (at end of website name) . I mean simply add website name there for example , you can add "xyz.com". This will solve the problem.


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