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Why JSF tomahawk dataTable do not show?

I am trying to create the world most simple dataTable using JSF tomahawk like this:

    <h:form id="theForm">
      <h:outputText value="#{theBean.theList eq null}"/>
        <t:dataTable id="dt1" value="#{theBean.theList}" var="item">
            <f:facet name="header">
              <t:outputText value="Header A"/>
            <t:outputText value="#{item.itemA}"/>

The above code was save as XHTML file. The bean class is look like this:

public class MyBean {
  private MyData[] theList = new MyData[] {
        new MyData("1111", "", "", "")};

  public MyData[] getTheList() {
    return theList;

  public void setTheList(MyData[] theList) {
    this.theList = theList;

public class MyData {

   private String itemA;


In the output of the screen I don't see a data table, I see a black color false word and white blank screen, this is due to this code <h:outputText value="#{theBean.theList eq null}"/> telling me that the list is not empty.

I see this from the output from the web browser source:

<t:dataTable id="dt1" value="[Lcom.foo.MyData;@1798a6c" var="item">
    <t:outputText value=""></t:outputText>

I am just curious to know why the data table doesn't show? How to make it show on the screen?

Sorry for my bad. I didn't include tomahawk jar and other dependencies as well in my classpath. Once I have them inside my classpath, the dataTable is rendered on the web page. And I notice that, the warning on the tomahawk line located on top of the page has been gone.


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