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Import a local (existing) git repo into Aptana 3

I had installed Git, edited files with Notepad++ and used GitBash to commit my changes in some local repositories. Some of them are published to GitHub, some were cloned from project sites. But now, Notepad++ is not satisfying any more.

So, I'm trying to get Aptana to work. Of course, I want to use the existing git repositories as projects-to-be. But how do I do that? The git import wizard (File->Import->Git Repository as new Project) seems to clone the repo into a new project folder, which I don't want.

You just need to create a new project within Aptana Studio, using the existing project folder. Let say you have a project that resides in project_folder .

  1. If you are not sure about anything, backup your project first.
  2. Go to File -> New -> Choose the type of project you wan t
  3. On the pop up windows asking about the detail, point the Location to the exisiting project, in this case /some_path/project_folder
  4. Create a new project will generates a .project file in your project folder, so you might want to put that into .gitignore so that it won't get pushed to the central repo.

I was stuck with this for a minute, but I found a simple solution without needing additional plugins, etc.

On Windows (and possibly other OSs): If you're importing a repo that's hosted locally or on a mapped drive, try File -> Import -> Git -> Git Repository as New Project . Click Next and insert the absolute file path for the URI . An example would be file:///O:/projects/sharedproject.git .

This should clone the repo into your workspace with Git already initialized.

I realized after posting this that I posted to the wrong question, but maybe someone will find this useful anyway. Hope this helps.

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