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On a button click I want to display a toast message

I want that this message is displayed only the first three times this button is clicked and never after that even if the application is restarted, I want to know the best way to achieve it. I plan to make a DB and enter values in that DB on button press and place my toast logic inside of an if statement. I want to know if there is a better way to do it without using a DB.

If by better you mean easier then you can use the SharedPreferences mechanism.

The shared preferences is basically a property set that is common for your entire activity or can be used by each activity separately.

class Listener implements OnClickListener{
    final private SharedPreferences prefs;
    Listener(SharedPreferences prefs){
    public void onClick(View view) {
        int count = prefs.getInt("toastCount",0);
        if(count>=3) return;
        //do something else here
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
        editor.putInt("toastCount", count+1);

and you can initiate this listnener using the getPreferences() or getSharedPreferences() methods from your activity

i think Shared Preferences is better than DB.

You just add count(int) in shared Prefernces.

You can use this code:

button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {

        Toast.makeText(app.getBaseContext(),"Your message", 


Consider persisting your data somewhere in the memory. Trivial data like this should not go into the database. It would be a bad decision.

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