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Jsoup accessing the HTML select tag

I'm new to jsoup and having a bit of trouble with html tag. I need to get value attribute of select list options based on a text they contain. For example:

'<select id="list">
<option value="0">First value</option>
<option value="1">Second value</option>
<option value="2">Third value</option>

Do you have an idea how I can tell jsoup to return the value "1" if it gets a "Second value" as a parameter for a search?

Here's another solution:

public String searchAttribute(Element element, String str)
    Elements lists = element.select("[id=list]");

    for( Element e : lists )
        Elements result = e.select("option:contains(" + str + ")");

        if( !result.isEmpty() )
            return result.first().attr("value");

    return null;


Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); // html is your listed html / xml
Strign result = searchAttribute(doc, "Second value") // result = 1

This may Help You..

String demo = "<select id='list'><option value='0'>First value</option><option value='1'>Second value</option><option value='2'>Third value</option></select>";

        Document document = Jsoup.parse(demo);
        Elements options = document.select("select > option");

        for(Element element : options)
            if(element.text().equalsIgnoreCase("second value"))


Try this code:

String searchValue = "Second value";
Elements options = doc.select("#list > option");
String value = "";
for (Element option : options) {
    String text = option.text();
    if (text.equals(searchValue)){
        value = option.attr("value");

Hope it helps!

I think the simplest solution is:

 Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
 String value = doc.select("#list > option:contains(Second value)").val();

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