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Consume ASP.Net Web Service using ColdFusion

Here is what I have so far. I am creating an ASP.NET Web service to log our internal web site activities. The majority of our internal sites are written in ColdFusion. I have used web services before in the ASP.Net world, but ColdFusion is a little new to me. I am just starting to experiment with this type of situation. As an explanation to why we are mixing the two technologies: we are moving away from ColdFusion at this time and are in a transitional phase.

The C# code is first. This I believe is correct.

 [WebService(Namespace = "http://oursite.org:86")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]

public class LogEvent : System.Web.Services.WebService
    private IContainer components = null;

    public LogEvent()

    private void InitalizeComponent()

    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing && components != null)


    public string InsertEvent()

        return "HellWorld";


I have just a simple CFC to call the web service.

<cffunction name="TestWebService" access="remote" returntype="Any" >

        <cfinvoke webservice="oursite.org:86/LogEvent.asmx?wsdl" method="InsertEvent" returnvariable="result"   >

        <cfdump var="#result#">       

When I run the CFC method I get the following error back.

Unable to read WSDL from URL: 

I have searched and followed every tutorial and suggestion I have found, but I am not an expert at ColdFusion. Am I missing something?

Any help would be appreciated.

So I completely spaced that the ColdFusion Server is a cloud server (ie not in our network) and the Web Service is running on a local network server. Once I moved the ColdFusion code to a local server the service worked like it was suppose to.

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