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MySQL create view joining two tables

How can I create a view that merges different columns with a different table? I have three tables for example: users, items and gifts (in this example it's a system that a user can give a gift to another user)

users table has information about users, items table has information about items and gifts table shows which user sent what gift to which user.

What I want is to create a view like following:

user_from | user_to | gift_name  | gift_price
sally     | john    | Teddy Bear | 10

You must join the three tables first. Example

SELECT  b.name user_from,
        c.name user_to,
        d.name gift_name,
        d.price gift_price
FROM    gift a
        INNER JOIN users b
            ON a.user_from = b.id
        INNER JOIN users c
            ON a.user_from = c.id
        INNER JOIN items d
            ON a.item = d.id

You can create a view with two tables like:

 SELECT users.user_from,users.user_to,gifts.gift_name,gifts.gift_price FROM users,gifts
 WHERE users.user_id = gifts.user_id;

The where clause is to make sure the output does not repeat.

I believe were looking for data blending . So basically having google data studio do a JOIN statement on ids from 2 data sets

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